Monday, 6 August 2018

Cycle of Human Development 1

Cycle of Human Development - 1
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I invite you to read the previous blog > click here Introducing Cycle of Human Development before reading this blog.

This is the picture we mostly encounter to present stages on a spiral. 

I have done the same using concentric circles. There are five concentric circles. Each circle represents a 19 year cycle of its occurrence in our life. I mentioned in the previous post that we run the cycle five times during our life of upto 95 years of age.

It is worth noticing that there are five stages in the Integration Stage. The periods of these five stages in the integration stage are of half the duration. Being of 3 months, Doing of 6 months, Thinking of 9 months, Identity of 1.5 years and Skills of 3 years. 

We can study 'Cycle of Human Development' from three perspectives. The first perspective is to understand the stages through which a growing child develops into adulthood. The second perspective is to understand how the stages affect our life generally, and our perceiving, assessing, evaluating and responding to the same reality in different ways. This occurs when we are living through a different stage of the current development cycle. The third perspective is to understand the challenges we face if we have not cleared tasks of any particular stage successfully during our growing years. 

I will be covering the tasks and challenges of the stages when viewed from the three perspectives and its impact on the ego stages of those stages in the next blog.

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